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Song Summary

"Hiaté's Theme"

A better title will come about should I ever bother to give the song words. In any case, this is, to an extent, the theme of Hiaté Noumou. It's still a little rough around the edges, but I simply need to devote more time to it. I would rather love to do a battle theme of it to the stylings of the Summon Spirit battles in the Tales series, as it would do so well for an inevitable battle in the remodeled remains of the Mushroom Tower...

Song Downloads

"Phen" from the HamstaPowah RPG Engine Test (MIDI)
A short looped village song for Phen that is still, quite honestly, a rough draft. Phen's theme is derivative of Hiaté's theme, however, and thus this is presently the best version of her song I've gotten done.


(No Lyrics Available)

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